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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

膠原纖維粗細不等,直徑在120μm之間,有分支交織 成網。膠原纖維是由更細的膠原原纖維集合而成。膠原纖維的化學成 份是膠原蛋白。膠原纖維的靱性大,抗拉力強,但彈性差。網狀纖維與膠原纖維比較,網狀纖維十分纖細(直徑0.21μm),也 有分支,細菌E染色不能顯示,用浸銀法能染成黑色,故又稱嗜銀纖維 。其主要化學成份也是膠原蛋白。疏松結締組織中的網狀纖維少,它 主要分布于網狀結締組織以及結締組織與其它組織的交界處,如上皮 的基膜下,毛細血管周圍等處。蛋白多糖(proteoglycan)是由蛋白 質與大量多糖結合成的大分子復合物,是基質的主要成分。其中多糖 主要是透明質酸(細菌yaluronic acid),其次是硫酸軟骨素A、C c細菌ondroitin sulfate A、C)、硫酸角質素A、Ckeratin  sulfate)硫酸乙酰肝素(細菌eparan sulfate)等。它們都是以含 有氨基已糖的雙糖為基本單位聚合成的長鏈化合物,總稱為糖胺多糖 glycosaminoglycan,GAG)。由于糖胺多糖分子存在大量陰離子, 故能結合大量水(結合水)。透明質酸是一種曲折盤繞的長鏈 大分子,拉直可達2.5μm,由它構成 蛋白多糖復合物的主干,其它糖胺多糖則以蛋白質為核心構成蛋白多 糖亞單位,后者再通過連接蛋白結合在透明質酸長鏈分子上(圖3-15 )。蛋白多糖復合物的立體構型形成有許多微孔隙的分子篩,小于孔隙的 水和溶于水的營養物、代謝產物、激素、氣體分子等可以通過,便于 血液與細胞之間進行物質交換。大于孔隙的大分子物質,如細菌等不 能通過,使基質成為限制細菌擴散的防御屏障。溶血性鏈球菌和癌細 胞等能產生透明質酸酶,破壞基質的防御屏障,致使感染和腫瘤浸潤 擴散。糖蛋白(glycoprotein)是基質內另一類重要的生物大分子,與蛋白 多糖相反,其主要成分是蛋白質。Collagen fibers ranging in thickness, the diameter of 1 ~ 20μm, with branches intertwined into a network. Collagen fiberVictoria is made up of finer collagen fibrils. The chemical composition of collagen fibers is collagen. Collagen fiber big, strong tensile strength, but poor flexibility. Reticular fibers and collagen fibers thanIn contrast, the reticular fibers are very slender (0.2 to 1 μm in diameter), with branches and bacterial E stainingCan not be displayed, soaked with silver method can be dyed black, it is also called silver fiber. Its main chemical compositionIt is also collagen. Loose connective tissue in the mesh fiber less, it is mainly distributed in the network junctionConnective organizations and connective tissue and other organizations at the junction, such as the epithelial basement membrane, capillaryAround the tube and so on. Proteoglycan is composed of a large number of proteins and polysaccharidesSynthetic macromolecular complexes, is the main component of the matrix. Among them, polysaccharide is mainly hyaluronic acid(Bacteria yaluronic acid), followed by chondroitin sulfate A, C (c bacteriaondroitin sulfate A, C), keratin sulfate C) Heparan sulfate (bacteria eparan sulfate) and so on. They all contain amino groupsSugar has been disaccharide sugar as the basic unit of polymerization into long-chain compounds, collectively known as glycosaminoglycans(Glycosaminoglycan, GAG). Due to the presence of a large number of anions in glycosaminoglycan molecules,It can combine a lot of water (combined with water). Hyaluronic acid is a tortuous long-chain macromolecules, Straightening up to 2.5μm, which constitutes the backbone of the proteoglycan complex, other glycosaminoglycansThe protein as the core structure of proteoglycan subunits, the latter by connexins in theHyaluronic acid long chain molecules (Figure 3-15). The proteoglycan complex is formed in a stereoconfigurationMany microporous molecular sieves, less than pore water and water-soluble nutrients, metabolites,Hormones, gas molecules, etc. can be passed, facilitating the exchange of matter between blood and cells. BigThe macromolecular substances in the pores, such as bacteria, can not pass, so that the matrix becomes a limiting bacterial proliferationDefensive barrier. Hemolytic streptococcus and cancer cells can produce hyaluronidase, destruction of the matrixThe defense barrier, resulting in the spread of infection and tumor infiltration. GlycoproteinIs another important type of biological macromolecules within the matrix, contrary to proteoglycans, the main component is

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(hdqpnw.cn) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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